The Word About Bulimia is Stomach Churning

In the second unit of my sophomore STEAM class, Disease, we studied mental disorders and learned about their criteria and how they affect people. We also examined the diseases on a scientific level using the DSM-V, we also took different approaches to experience a fraction of what people suffering from mental disorders go through every day. We also had to give an interactive presentation to our classmates. The goal for this action project was to educate people about what it's like to have a specific mental disorder found in the DSM, I chose Bulimia. I felt like Bulimia was very common in teens and but not talked about. We also learned how to use brain waves into a piecewise graph so we can see the changes over time. We have also made a flier to raise awareness for a targeted audience. The most difficult part of this project is the creativity of the interactive part of the presentation.

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