
Showing posts from January, 2020

War On Black People Or Drugs

In my Forbidden books class, we learned about censorship on books and how they were censored. Censorship on books is "a form of censorship that occurs when private individuals, government officials, or organizations remove books from libraries, school reading lists, or bookstore shelves because they object to their content, ideas, or themes." from Middle Tennessee State. People want to censor books because they think it will affect the younger generation to rebel against the traditional ways.   We also learned about Socrates and ancient Greece, their style of learning and Socrates' questioning life. Socrates was a philosopher who rebelled the idea of greek gods. He is important to western civilization because he shows us students to question things your parents and teachers believe about reality and society. That is where he made the Socratic dialogue. A Socratic dialogue is a communication that perceives two people where one person answers questions and the other questio