Asthma can take your breath away

Lorane is a 34-year-old woman with a 17-year-old son who uses a lot of cologne, preferably Axe. So when Lorane walks in his room, the mask of the spray makes her cough and wheeze. She was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 11. She would wheeze in between her coughs and she coughs until she spits out clear mucus. So she drinks a lot of water to clear her throat

When she was 11, she was playing with her mom’s perfume after playing, she has pain or tightness on her chest, which is the first symptom for asthma. Then she was coughing a lot and was wheezing, another symptom. Her mom finally took to the hospital after she had a hard time sleeping because she couldn’t breathe. That is when she was diagnosed with asthma. Now she has to stay away from strong fragrances and sprays. She will start coughing and she uses her daily inhaler since she works at Sephora. She said, “the hardest thing is to deal with is I have to live with it (the smells) every day”.

5%-10% of the world’s population has asthma which is “a condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrow and swell, and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe.” from Mayo Clinic. The cause of that could range from dust mites to animal fur and some have asthma from heavy perfumes like Lorane. She said that “it’s a hard time to have asthma” because there is a lot of dangers around her that can trigger her asthma and her breathing on a daily basis

Asthma can damage the lungs and it can damage them permanently if you don’t properly treat it. The tubes that bring air to your lungs (Bronchial Tube) become closed which can cause short breathing and coughing. When those get worse, there two occurrences, One is where you can suffocate yourself because of the mucus clogging your Bronchial Tube. Another is causing your asthma by receiving secondhand smoke or scents that can trigger your asthma.

This affects the Respiratory System because it affects the lungs and causes the lungs to seize and snatch up. The lungs are an important part of the body because it brings in oxygen and makes foods and liquids into energy so the body can move and function normally. The respiratory system is an important system because it is like an air filter for the body. The nose can catch small pieces of dirt and bacteria to keep the body from catching a virus or disease. I can also help the Circulatory System because it helps push the blood and oxygen through the body.
Asthma also affects the Immune System because the immune cells go into overstimulation when they sense a cough or trigger and cause inflammation. Inflammation is a vital part of the immune system's response to injury and infection. 


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