Coffee with Conditons

At the beginning of the civic term, I was not expecting the creativity everybody developed in my group and the class overall. The topic of our play is how women are underestimated and underrated. The planning was that there are three different monologues about how women are paid lower than men, what the ideal "feminist" is supposed to be, how street harassment ranges, and how a man's perspective about a man is supposed to be as well. In our class, we also learned about the oppression of minorities, lower-class people, and the LGBTQ community. We had to do monologues,  which is a long speech by one actor in a play or movie, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast program.
My monologue is about how women are "catcalled" in the streets and how it ranges. I found out that from the earliest age of 12 older men are sexually harassing them already. There are women who were killed because they didn't respond to a catcall. During that, I have the experience of a man following me and calling me out made in a poem called "Serendipity"
I was strolling down the street looking at the fall’s color 
My coat in my hand and my bag in the other 
And I hear 
“AY YO MAMI!” (All at the same time) 
Nervousness rushes over me, a swirling storm before tsunami
my palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit churning in my sweater already, mom's spaghetti
Sorry for that 
I start walking faster
Choked by her collar 
“HEY SWEETIE I'M TALKIN' TO YA” (All at the same time)
His footsteps are faster
So are mine 
I hope I make it to the bus on time 
Girls the age of 12 are being harassed 
And what are we supposed to do 
You know what 
No, we should be aware 
That older men stop and stare 
Try to grab us around “here” and “there”
It’s getting darker
And he stops 
I wait 
And I hear
Thump…( Foot stomp )
Thump…  ( Foot stomp )
He’s running! 
To me! 
I dash to the bus stop
And just in time, the bus comes
And I see him stop 
And stare
And fade into the darkness 
So yeah he was my imagination. Crazy Right?
“But on a serious note, women object to be called and used, for example, this person made an Instagram account about reading what men say to these young girls and women and writing it on chalk. It’s so disgusting, listen to this:” 
She pulls her phone out, beginning to read off the lines.

 “With thighs like those, my ears would be very warm”, “Nice curves, want to put them to use”, one girl saw a group of boys masturbating in school and talking about who they would rape. When she said something about it they said she was exaggerating and “boys will be boys” when I saw this I was so shocked I couldn’t believe it! I was so shocked that I had to stop. But I feel like men think we are so insignificant and some men think it’s funny. Like a college said, “Insecure women are the easiest to get.”  The fact that society thinks that for every princess there needs to be a prince is such a big joke, we’ve got the power to save ourselves now, yet here we are being forced to listen to the requirements of every woman needing a big strong man to make their life better.”
the flow of my peers flowed tightly and it was very nice it went in the order of:


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